Worm Developmental Dynamics Database 2

Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics, Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

RNAi Experiments Detail

ID 1450
Chromosome II
Locus zyg-11 (WormBase: zyg-11 )
ORF C08B11.1 (WormBase: C08B11.1 )
Primer sjj_C08B11.1
Injection No. 3
Plate memo NA
Visualization (Test) NA
Download Image (LIF) NA
Download Quant. (BD5) NA
Recording Memo eggは1cellもしくは2cellのものしかない。
Num. of Eggs 10
Num. of Embryos 10
Num. of Hatches 0
Sileds NA
Hatch check memo NA