Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics, Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
ID | 825 |
Chromosome | I |
Locus | ostd-1 (WormBase: ostd-1 ) |
ORF | M01A10.3 (WormBase: M01A10.3 ) |
Primer | sjj_M01A10.3 |
Injection No. | 7 |
Plate memo | NA |
Visualization (Test) | NA |
Download Image (LIF) | NA |
Download Quant. (BD5) | NA |
Recording Memo | Osmotic Integrity。絞らないとgonadからeggが出てこない。虫体内では発生進む。 |
Num. of Eggs | 9 |
Num. of Embryos | 9 |
Num. of Hatches | 0 |
Sileds | NA |
Hatch check memo | NA |